Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Go Mini's vs. The Storage Shed

The dreaded storage shed…Only a few elect have the ability to keep a storage shed organized. If you are one, good for you, but I'm not, and neither are most of those I come in contact with. Most storage sheds I've seen are cluttered, dirty, and even dangerous. It is almost comical going into some people's sheds. Who knows what you will find? A mower from the 80's, rusty yard implements, crooked ladders, a few cats, who knows? Not only do storage sheds get filled with junk, the yard looks like junk because of it. Storage sheds are always on the" to do" list as well. Cleaning it out, organizing it, or getting rid of it looms in one's mind. It is like going to the dentist. You know you have to at some point but you hold off for as long as humanly possible. Let me make a suggestion. Before you purchase a flimsy little storage shed to hold all that junk in the garage, call Go Mini's. Go Mini's will deliver a portable storage container right to your driveway. All you have to do is load it up and call Go Mini's back and they will come back and take it to a storage facility. How easy is that? Think about this for a moment. Instead of buying a storage shed, taking the time to build it, filling it with junk, watching it fill with rodents and spiders, just have a portable storage container delivered. Once it is filled, you don't even have to worry about it taking up space in your yard, it is hauled off to a secure location and can be brought back with a simple phone call. Go Mini's storage containers are the best in the business. They come in lengths 12ft, 16ft, and 20ft and are made of durable weatherproof steel. They are also low to the ground which makes they easy to load. Go Mini's portable storage containers are also constructed with an transparent roof which allows light, making it easier and safer to load the container. Ordering a Go Mini's portable storage container is truly the way to go when you run out of room for all your belongings. You can rest assured that your belongings are safe in a Go Mini's storage container and because you no longer have to worry about that wretched storage shed out back filled with black widows that needs to be cleaned out.

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